Know K-3 Visa in Pairing!
Introduction: Spouses of US citizens are classified as K-3 and their
unmarried children (whose age are under 21 years) as K-4. The K-3
spouse visa is a nonimmigrant visa which allows the spouses of US
citizens to enter into the US and wait in the United States until the
immigration process is completed. The K-3 spouse visa is also a
temporary visiting visa.To complete the qualification facet, you need
to fulfill the following requirements:
The applicant needs to be a foreign national spouse of a US citizen.
It is mandatory that your US citizen spouse should file a petition for
alien relative
File a second petition for Alien Fiance
The waiting periods are concise and the process is normally faster as
compared to other marriage-based processes.
The applicant can also apply for a work permit
Travel outside of the US on short trips and re-enter
Study in the US
You can bring your children (who are under age of 21 and have their names
in the visa pe...